
In 1Bigos some menbers take the hobby to new level.
Is the case of our mate Mr. Lopes, who did this wonderful work.
(does he want to be a farmer???)
Now we can sing “old mate Lopes made a farm…”
Maybe is next job will be a duck pond or a poultry for chichen…
Stay tunned…

…the scots never lost a battle…

It was a normal rainy day and we’re doing normal things with our lives…in the highlands.

Suddenly, in the line of horizon, a warband, they come treacherous… and from them lines and enormous “haggis”…cross lover… sun of a dog… came out defiant.

He cry for a duel of champs.

And so it began,,,

From our lines McMorg advances…

The champs met at the center of the field and the bastard “haggis” with a treacherous coup wounded McMorg twice.

McMorg stood up and call him bad names…and for our surprise the “haggis” run back to call his friends.

And like a storm they came on us. They are endless like the herd of sheeps of old Loops the Normand Bastard.

Our line tightened up, shoulder to shoulder to brace the impact.

But they don’t run to us, in Scottish way, they advance behind a shieldwall.

– What’s that? – Cry Fungus – we never fight hiding behind shields. –  Herd of Haggis…-

Them leader, the “great haggis”, shield himself with his man and order the advance from behind…

They clash in our line…ignoring our leader the “great Haggis” and his man go for our heartgard…few in numbers, and kill them all. Like true Scots they fall fighting and taking a lot of enemies with them. With a cry our warriors charged them to revenge the comrades and finished them misery, but is a trap…new, fresh enemies come to the fray , endless enemies…

We prepare for sell our lives and McMorg step out of our line to make a final stand and die like a brave highlander in single duel. The” great Haggis” is treacherous and bring his heartgard with him to the fight

McMorg fight surrounded by enemies and…With 6 nasty bloody scratches, and inflicting 4 horrible hounds in the Haggis he survived.

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the haggis                                                          and the scots

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scots warriors                                                           The endless herd of haggis

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The and of god pointing the great Haggis

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Here you see the Scots heartgard               Here you don’t

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So… for history… to be told… (In the highlands any way…) and songs to be written…

“They come to kill our leader and they failed… They come to conquer our land and slave us all and we still here (fewer) free scots in the highlands… but free…

now they know… we are highlanders of clan McMorg, they have to kill us all to claim victory.

…the scots never lost a battle…

Halloween Zombie Night

With a huge delay and with a big apologise to all, I finally post the story of a scary night at the club. What is the best to the Halloween night? Shore Zombies and Nazis, to take all a good and peaceful night.

The story:  With the end of the war  a German scientist discover how control and take to live hungry and bloody Zombies. And a lot more abominations. A coalition of English, American and Russian allies launch a operation to try capture or kill, (best choice) the mad scientist  and of course learn is secrets. To try this they have a very new and secret arsenal until now hidden in the deepest Devonshire caves. Heaven the little Hans of Freiburg is involve in the operations. We use the Rules of Engagement WWII rules, with some alterations and news made by master Toni. To him tanks to a very pleasant games night.

   The table

The bridges

Rampa de lançamento de V2

Rocket ready to the scientist, if he need

Enforcamento na praça central

Hanging of resistance members at central square

Vista geral

General Overview

Reporter da propaganda alemã - Von Pombeiro

The famous Von Pombeiro, German Propaganda report

Aliados enfrentam as primeiras criaturas da noite

Ally advance

Zombies in cover?

Zombies at cover?

Zonbies run to ally trops

 Zombies take the village

Paras ingleses a fazerem o que mais gostam

British paras at advance

Americanos e os seus brinquedos novos

The Americans with they new toy

Com a ajuda do Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones

Final do primeiro turno

First turn ends

Americas tomam as trincheiras de assalto

Assault to the trenchs

Zombies tomam o centro da vila

Zombie City

paras americanos assaltam as casas apoiados pelo Sherman

Sherman Invictus and American paras taking the village

Vista geral do assalto á vila

Great city fight

Após 5 turnos esta era a panoramica geral

General Overview at 5th turn

Com o aproximar dos aliados das pontes reforços alemães aparecem

After a unstoppable ally advance the Germans bring some huge reinforcements

O walker alemão após destruir o seu opositor americano é incendiado pelos russos

Smoky German Walker after  heavy fire from the Russians

Run baby run!

Captain  Haddock

O pior pesadelo de Indy Jones

Indy against  Zombies!?!

Americanos a Invadir em força a zona dos laboratórios

The ally advance through the bridge

Quando faltavam 2 turnos para terminar

General Overview when the allies only have 2 more turns

Defesa desesperada dos Zombies

Last stand zombie!

O laboratório

The laboratory

Último assalto aliado

clean up of the Last dark agents

O cientista tenta fugir, mas é morto mesmo no final. Cena de filme!

The escape  of the mad scientist. He die in the last turn with the last bullet, a movie scene to end the game.

Halloween Zombie night

Com um atraso impressionante e com um pedido de desculpas gigantesco aqui fica a história de uma noite assustadora no club. Nada melhor que Zombies e Nazis para tirar o sono aos mais sensíveis.

A história passa por um cientista alemão que no final da 2ªGM descobre como controlar e trazer para a vida Zombies assassinos e vorazes. Para além de uma parafernália gigantesca de outras abominações. Os aliados Ingleses, Americanos e Russos, sabendo deste facto lançam uma operação para tentar matar e descobrir os segredos do cientista. Usando para isso as suas armas mais secretas e até aí escondidas nas profundezas de bases secretas algures no Devonshire. Até o pequeno Hans se viu envolvido na disputa pelo laboratório do cientista. As regras usadas foram as de Rules of Engagement com algumas alterações e novidades do mestre Toni. Obrigado ao Toni por ter proporcionado uma noite de jogo fantástica.

                                                                                  A mesa

As pontes

Rampa de lançamento de V2

O foguetão para a fuga em caso de necessidade

Enforcamento na praça central

Enforcamentos de resistentes na praça central

Vista geral

Panorâmica geral

Reporter da propaganda alemã - Von Pombeiro

O famoso repórter de guerra  Von Pombeiro

Aliados enfrentam as primeiras criaturas da noite

Avanço dos aliados

Zombies in cover?

Zombies em cover?

Zonbies run to ally trops

Os Zombies tomam conta da vila

Paras ingleses a fazerem o que mais gostam

O avanço dos paras Ingleses

Americanos e os seus brinquedos novos

Os americanos com o seu novo brinquedo

Com a ajuda do Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones

Final do primeiro turno

O final do primeiro turno

Americas tomam as trincheiras de assalto

Tomada de assalto das trincheiras

Zombies tomam o centro da vila

Zombie City

paras americanos assaltam as casas apoiados pelo Sherman

Os paras americanos ao assalto da cidade com o Shermam Invictus

Vista geral do assalto á vila

Grande city fight

Após 5 turnos esta era a panoramica geral

Panorâmica ao 5º turno

Com o aproximar dos aliados das pontes reforços alemães aparecem

Após o imparável avanço aliado os alemães aparecem com reforços de peso

O walker alemão após destruir o seu opositor americano é incendiado pelos russos

O Walker alemão a deitar fumo depois dos russos o metralharem sem piedade

Run baby run!

Capitão Haddock

O pior pesadelo de Indy Jones

Indy contra Zombies!?!

Americanos a Invadir em força a zona dos laboratórios

O avanço aliado pelas pontes

Quando faltavam 2 turnos para terminar

Visão geral quando faltavam 2 turnos para o final

Defesa desesperada dos Zombies

Last stand zombie!

O laboratório

O laboratório

Último assalto aliado

Limpeza dos últimos agentes das trevas

O cientista tenta fugir, mas é morto mesmo no final. Cena de filme!

A tentativa de fuga do cientista. Morto no último turno, com o último tiro, cena de filme!

Bolt Action first steps

This was my second game with the new rules of Bolt Action and this time we had the Fallschirmjager, against the Russians Ivans. Like the play lists proposes we started with a list of 1000 points for each side.

Fallschirmjager: 1 + 2 Men First Lieutenant (Vet) – 116 pts

1st squad – 1 +9 NCO men (vet) 2Lmg 2 Smg 2 Assault Rifles Pzfaust 1 – 191pts

2nd squad – 1 +9 NCO men (vet) 2Lmg 2 Smg 2 Assault Rifles Pzfaust 1 – 191pts

1 HMG Team (vet) – 65pts; 1 Sniper (vet) – 65pts 1Flamethrower (vet) – 65pts

1 Medium Mortar (vet) c / watcher – 75 Pts 1 StugIV (Reg) 230 pts

Soviet – 1 + 2 Men First Lieutenant (Reg) – 95, Medic 56 pts + 2 man, Forward Observer 100pts

1st Squad – 1Nco men +10 (reg) 1 LMG – 130 Pts

2nd Squad – 1Nco men +10 (reg) 11 Smg – 143 Pts

3rd Squad (free) 1Nco + 10 men, 1Smg, 1 LMG (Inexp) – 23 Pts

1Hmg – 75Pts, 1 Sniper (Vet) – 65 Pts, 1 Heavy Mortar – 75 Pts

1 T34/85 (Reg) – 235 Pts

For now the Russians take advantage of their extra free Squad appears and only pay for the equipment of the 3rd 11 men squad. So we begin with the 8 German activations and 10 for the Russians.

We have chosen to play the scenario 2 (Maximum Attrition) and both Generals chose outflank units, in the case of Germans a squad and the Flamethrower and the Russians chose the sniper and a Smg squad, the experienced and wise Russian general also opted to have the Forward Observer enter into reserve (2nd round).

Like the rules of this scenario say first we chose the side and them the units will be deploy into the 1st round as you go taking the activation markers.

The Germans led by the great general “Small” Hans von Freiburg chose to cede the left flank and put only the sniper there, concentrated their forces in the centre and at the right, the Russian general Pombalichenco curiously responded with the same tactic .

If these rules can be defined in one word it should be “fast”. Greater mobility and speed of play and the system activations allows a player to never get stuck having to wait for his turn. So the 1st turn is quick with only the units to go on the table and no exchange of fire.

At the second turn and with the Russian general trying to earn the nickname “Bat” of Vladivostock a squad of infantry on the right flank move and decides to stay in the line of fire of the German HMG causing the first casualties in Ivans. And the artillery observer enters the table where he c´ant observing nothing at all, born the myth of the Bat? The two tanks that are on the table will trying to play cat and mouse and they have a big successes in that kind of game.

With the start of the 3rd turn the outflank units arrived and after the tests required to enter all are able to go into battle. The Russians activate first and put the Smg squad on the right flank, try to shoot the German unit defending the right side, but again failed to see that the range of its Smg was short for such job, the commissioner of the NKVD begins thinking of going into action. The Germans decide to respond and the flamer come into action and contrary to what we expect, and with a move only able to the great generals ignore the arriving Russian unit and dump its load on the weak Russian unit that had suffered from the HMG fire, resulted in several deaths and 3 Pin markers, but behold, someone forgot to bring enough fuel and after a “glorious” 2 the flamer just finish is game here. Without hesitation after this “debacle” the General Little Hans advances the flank unit and at short range fire everything on the poor Smg Russians unit, only one Ivan stands up to ask what kind of storm fell upon him. On the left flank with the arrival of the Russian sniper is approaching an epic duel of snipers, “the enemy at gates” revised?

With the arrival of the 4th turn things looked good to Germans. Stug turns and shooting on the team of Russian HMG leaving only a bastard to tell friends what are the German Pz armor, and 2 squads of Russian infantry on the right side are swept the table. The Russian observer continues his glorious race to try to observe something and in the centre both armies try to occupy the best positions. But behold, after some executions NKVD men decide to put some sense in general Pombalichenco, and in an act of bravery the Russian sniper carries his opponent and kills a German sniper with knife blows and rifle butts, someone reports that the scope of his weapon became inoperable when used in a German observer eye. The T34/85 came into action and take advantage on the excitement of German Stug fires a shot that leave him with a principle of fire. Fortunately his experienced crew can put out the fire, but is inoperative to shoot this turn. Is the tide turning? Overconfidence German? Cried victory too soon?

Looks like it, on the 5th turn the Russian Artillery finally arrives and a violent bombardment fell on the German right flank destroying the flamer team and put some pin markers at the infantry unit which requires it to do Rally and losing a precious time. Meanwhile the heavy mortar with its crew accompanied by a political commissar firing a salvo and hit the infantry unit that occupied the centre and was pushing the Russian command, the result? 7 casualties and many pin markers, let the squad completely inoperable. But the commissioners did not reach everywhere and T34 failed resoundingly the opportunity to destroy the Stug, this duel is sure win by who take the first activation on the next turn, with a great chance to spread little Stug everywhere on the table.

After a turn so destructive German General order the Stug that shoot as fast as possible, and it responds ready, but the crew must have blinked they eyes because they can not go near the T34, every advantage vanished … and behold, the answer of T34 is? Another hit and another pin marker, but nothing happened… for now. However the German right flank predicting the worst desperately try to run closer to the T34 to make use of Pzfaust but new setback … The Russian sniper very pleased with its last charge fire on the mortar observer and kill him, the mortar is completely blind without an observer to spot the target. and at last Russian occupies the building of the German command in the village, little Hans cry in anger.

In the final round the Stug tries to activate and it make a morale test, Ok he need a 7 or less on 2D6 rolls and behold… a glorious 12 forcing him to roll at FUBAR table, in result they flee in panicked from the battlefront … Beautiful. Meanwhile the third Russian squad can eliminate the last German squad and despite being eliminated after clears the centre of the table. The T34 free of opposition shrapnel the another squad which leaves paras without infantry to continue the game. At the end the German commander flees the battlefield leaving the survivors abandoned to their bad luck … A fantastic Russian turnaround in a fantastic game. The counting points would be something like 6 for Ivans and 3 for the Germans.

Great game with very good rules and fortunately no weaknesses were noted. With only two tanks on the table was not very evident that the discrepancy in the army lists noted in the classification of tanks. Just a note to the mortars, when the shot misses the target should have an alternative to not hit the target, after all the shells do not disappear in a vacuum. (Urgent House rules). But in general the rules work very well and will let us continue to play more and in biggest scale. I have to try to take revenge on the Russians of General Farinhotievish.

Thanks to Paulo Pombal for being an excellent opponent, to Luís Pinto to be in service picking the activation markers and Master Pires to point the mortars problem, finally thanks to Manuel Pombeiro by being the war reporter’s with excellent photos only comparable to AP.

The table 1

The table 2

The table 3

The table 4

The table 5

The Table 6

First turn, sorry but the Russian General dont have mutch time to paint his army, he prefer kill same german guys

Stug – a walk in the main street

The 1st Lt and his boys take a cover position

A side car and a communication point not part of the army, only to the picture

Come on inside boys

Hell, here is the Ivan?

Russian HMG strong point

The kids play around the little pine

Turn 2 – The Stug walk on the wild side

Hello!! Any body there?

First we take this house, them we take Berlin? Nazis like Leonard Cohen music?

Hurry up mens!

“Little” Hans with a big head hurt

Fire to the bastards

OK boys give me the little blanket and I stop the fire!


Job done, eleven reds take the way to the hammer and stars

It´s Ok we can stop the fire!

What have I done to be here alone, ups! the sniper to my left is overkill, I think I need a little more cover

Turn 3 The Ivan take our little house, fire! Fire!

Run boys, Run!

Good try to take the T34/85, but to short!

I think a Stuka is comming? No only a 120mm shell! Take cover…

Turn 5 – Take note… The grey house with red flags is the German HQ… so? but without germans in, chek

Another Hit and the Stug run for his live…

And from the sky… arrive the dead!!!!

Stº António… help us

Turn 6 – Little Hans live the building… and the game with no glory in is job

The Stug is abandoned by is crew

A very fair and funny game! Excellent!!!!!!